Friday, January 29, 2010

May I ask a favor of my readers?

On the left hand side of my main page you'll see a vote for me button. Would you be so kind as to vote for me, as I have submitted some of my content to be published in a cookbook later this year.
Thank you, and please feel free to leave a comment and ask for topics you'd like to see.


Doctor Salochin said...

Hi Chris -

Followed the link to vote, but it just took me to the Foodista main page. Is there a way to sort which recipies you've submitted, or does a click on the link equal a vote?

Love your ideas! I have several lined up to try.



Chris Fusco said...

Thanks Nic, and yes just clicking on it equals a vote. Thanks for reading and please feel free to pass my site along. Is there any topics you like touched on??